Keys for Teaching Each Volleyball Skill


    • Keys are shared traits that almost all top performers of each skill have in common
    • To help memory, keys are best used as short phrases that are connected to a larger concept


Head Up

    • Shoulders back
    • Eyes Alert & Tracking

Ready to Move

    • Medium-height
    • Bent hips, knees and ankles
    • Weight is slightly forward, on the balls of the feet
    • Feet are hip distance apart, slightly staggered

Loose Arms

    • Hands faced up, ready to react



    • Keep your head (and eyes) at the same height as you move
    • Step first with the foot closest to the ball
    • Being balanced is more important than being stopped
    • Finish moving with a T stop (small hop to have feet slightly wider than hips and slightly staggered, balanced)

Moving Forward

    • Run, using your arms


    • Shuffle like a crab
    • Don’t cross feet over each other
    • Keep hips facing back to the court


    • Backpedal or turn and run
a girl passing a volleyball outdoors
two guys playing beach volleyball



    • As little movement as possible
    • Pass the ball up, not forward – ball arcs and lands on the target
    • Aim for a small target
    • Make it look easy – think “smooth”
    • Pass with no rotation on the ball
    • Breathe out as you pass to relax muscles
    • Empower them to be athletic and not be afraid to look stupid
      • “Find the angle”


    • Fingers overlap each other perpendicular
      • No fingertips peeking out
      • Thumbs are even and pressed together
    • Arms stay straight
      • Elbows locked
    • Shoulders shrug slightly forward
      • Create a platform away from body


    • Contact ball between wrists and elbows
    • Face the ball, angle platform to target
    • Loose and relaxed shoulders
      • Separate arm movement from rest of body
    • Feet are stopped & balanced (T-stop)
    • Hold finish
      • Check form and fix yourself



    • Legs/body bent at 25%
    • Arms up at 90 degrees (T-rex arms)
    • Be an athlete first, then a setter
    • Get to the target, then get to the ball (don’t combine)
    • Start facing the passer; be square to target before setting
    • Hands up early, tracking volleyball through “window”
    • Soft but firm hands


    • Thumbs and index fingers form a triangle
      • Hands in the shape of a volleyball
    • Loose, springy wrists
      • Wrists hinge back as ball comes into hands, than spring forward
      • “Neutral, load, neutral”
    • Contact ball above forehead
      • Be able to see underneath the ball
    • Arms evenly extended
      • Palms to target


    • Tempo into the ball
      • Time the ball contact with your forward momentum
      • Use legs and core to increase power
    • Releasing from position 1
      • Right, left, shuffle, shuffle
    • Releasing from position 4
      • Right, left, right, shuffle, shuffle



    • Elbow pulls back perpendicular
    • Upper body opens and torques

Hitting Motion

    • Arms Come Up Together
      • Simulates jumping motion
    • Arms Separate
      • When arms get to chest level
        • hitting elbow pulls back
        • chest opens up
        • non-hitting hand goes up and tracks the ball
    • Shoulders Tilted
      • Non-hitting shoulder is slightly higher than hitting shoulder
      • Shoulders are in a straight line
    • Engage Core
      • Hips starts to turn forward
    • Elbow Circles Up
      • Hitting hand rotates around ear
      • Hitting elbow comes up and leads forward
    • Non-Hitting Arms Tucks
      • Tuck non-hitting arm to center of body
    • Arm Whip Forward
      • Arm whips forward
      • Shoulders tilt – hitting shoulder now higher than non-hitting shoulder
    • High Contact
      • Loose wrist snaps over ball
      • See the hand break over the ball
      • Middle finger directs where the ball will do
    • Hit Through the Ball
      • Hitting arm follows through either side of body



    • Land softly
    • Land quiet and balanced
    • Softly contact ground with feet at same time
    • Absorb force with bent ankles, knees, hips
    • Hips over ankles, and shoulders over hips
a beach volleyball player hitting it past a blocker
beach volleyball player attacking the ball



    • Jump up, not forward
    • Convert horizontal energy into vertical energy
    • Small to big steps
    • Slow to fast steps
    • Plant feet behind the ball
    • Get up in the air fast after planting (use quick twitch muscles)
    • See your hand break over the ball
    • Hit through the ball
    • It should feel like you are late to the ball
    • Middle finger guides the ball

2-Step Approach (Righty)

    • Both arms swing back as the right foot takes a big, aggressive step forward and plants at 45 degree angle
    • Left foot plants quickly next to the right foot
    • Arms swing up together and helps lift the body up in the jump
    • Player gets into the “throwing position” in the air

4-Step Approach (Righty)

    • Small, slow first step (start building momentum)
    • Slightly bigger second step (toward the ball)
    • Big, aggressive, and fast third step, right foot planting facing Zone 5
    • Fourth step – left foot plants quickly next to the right foot
    • Arms swing up together and helps lift the body up in the jump
    • Player gets into the “throwing position” in the air



    • Digging target:
      • 5′ higher than the antennae
      • 5′-10′ off the net
    • Never overpass a dig
    • Tips should be treated like digging a regular attack
    • Hips must be lower than the ball on contact


    • Right before hitter contact the ball, pick your digging spot and do a finishing hop to get feet wide and body low
      • Be completely stopped and balanced when the hitter contacts the ball
    • Weight is slightly forward on the balls of the feet
    • Hands over knees, facing up, ready to react

Be Calm

    • Be calm and still on contact

Hold Finish

    • After digging, hold passing platform for an extra second
a young girl preparing to serve a volleyball over a net
a man serving in beach volleyball



    • Routine
      • A short and simple routine to get your mind focused on the serve
      • Taking a deep breath must be included in this routine
    • Visualize
      • Visualize your body’s movements and the ball’s flight path as specifically as possible
      • Literally see the result you want in your mind’s eye
    • Small Target
      • Aim for a specific target
      • The smaller the target, the smaller it will miss
      • Never aim for “just over the net”
    • Process Feedback
      • After each serve think about where the ball went, how you contacted the ball, and how to improve the next serve
    • Every Serve is Your Best Serve
      • Serving is the one skill in volleyball you have complete control over


    • Player’s body starts at 45 degrees from the net
      • Non-dominant foot is closer to net
      • Hitting arm starts back at 90 degrees
        • Hand up
        • Chest open
      • Non-hitting hand palm up holding the ball, with elbow slightly bent and ball directly in front of hitting shoulder
    • Place ball in air
      • 2” higher than your ear
      • Ball should hang suspended in the air before contact (no drop)
      • If the ball were to land, it would land next to your stepped foot
    • Step forward
      • Push off the back foot and shift body weight forward
      • Step forward with non-dominant foot, engaging core and turning hip around to generate power


    • Hitting arm and hand start relaxed
      • Hand and wrist stiffens on contact with ball (like a high-five)
    • Contact with the heel of the hand (the bony, hard part at bottom of the palm)
    • Contact in the very center of the ball
    • Wrist directs the ball where to go
      • Arm hangs in air after contact and doesn’t follow through
    • No spin
      • Try to serve with no spin on the ball
      • If there is rotation on the ball, the wrist broke over it in that direction
a woman volleyball player jump float serving



    • Jump serves aren’t inherently better than standing serves
    • Jump into the court
    • Tempo into the serve

Jump Float

    • Starting position is the same as the standing float serve
      • Hitting arm back and loaded
      • Non-hitting arm holding ball in front of hitting shoulder
    • Use the same footwork as a four-step hitting approach
      • Not jumping for max height
    • The toss can be either before or after the 2-step plant (whichever feels better for the player)
      • Right, left, TOSS, right left
      • Right, left, right left, TOSS



    • Do 75% of the work done before the ball crosses the net
    • Never get aced
    • Read server’s shoulders and contact angle off their hand
    • Better the ball
      • If it is a tough serve, just get it up
      • If it is a managable serve, make it a perfect pass
    • See the ball and react with your FEET early
    • Quick and clear communication between passers is critical
    • Always be prepared for your teammate to shank the pass

Eyes on Server

    • Don’t be caught surprised by a quick whistle
    • Call out where the server is serving from
    • Recognize and call out server’s habits and body language

Three Steps

    • Start moving to the ball right after contact
    • Move on a diagonal, stepping in front of other players if needed
    • Track the ball with your eyes right to your platform


    • Lower body does most of the work to get platform in the good position
    • Arms and hands are ready to react to last minute angle changes

Hold Finish

three men with lnog arms jumping in the air and blocking a volleyball
hands wearing jewelry blocking a volleyball over the net



    • Get hands pressed over the net as soon as possible, as far as possible, for as long as possible
    • Hands go small to big
    • Angle arms and hands back to the middle of the court (zone 6)
    • Squeeze your core during every block
    • Time your jump based on the hitter’s attack
    • Keep shoulders square to the net before jumping
    • Land with both feet softly and balanced

Functions of Blocking

    • Intimidation
    • Force the hitter to hit where you want the ball to go
    • Positive touches – reduce speed of attacks
    • Block the ball back into their court/block kills


    • Bunch – Pin hitters are arm distance from middle hitter
    • Spread – Pin hitters are arm distance from each antennae
    • Arms are ¾ distance from net, shoulders below bottom of net
    • Hands open and showing through the net, left thumb at 1 o’clock, right thumb at 11 o’clock
    • Weight on balls of feet ready to react

Eyework & Movement

    • Platform, hands, hitter
    • Read the setter and anticipate the set’s direction
    • Jab step, shoulders stay at 45 degrees, load arms to swing up
    • Attack the hitter – step into the hitter’s line of attack